Master the Game: Tips to Rule the Competition in COD BO6

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In most Call of Duty games, you can rely on your aim and reflexes to get you pretty far in multiplayer, but Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will ask a lot more of you if you want to outplay the competition. If you want that edge on the battlefield, these tips and tricks will give it to you.

In most Call of Duty games, you can rely on your aim and reflexes to get you pretty far in multiplayer, but Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will ask a lot more of you if you want to outplay the competition. If you want that edge on the battlefield, these tips and tricks will give it to you.

Note: All this info comes from U4gm. You can discover more valuable insights and expert tips here that have the potential to revolutionize your COD BO6 gaming experience. Also, you can buy bot lobbies bo6 service here to achieve your goals quickly and easily.

Master the movement

Initially, you should get used to being able to spring in any direction, not just forward. While this does make traversing the map easier, keep in mind it still has the same downsides sprinting always does, which is that it will take an extra second to aim and fire. Sprint wisely, but don’t abuse it.

Along with sprinting in all directions, this system also opens up sliding and diving in any way you please. We all know how annoying drop-shots and dolphin diving can be, but there’s no excuse to not master it now that you can leap sideways around corners or backward into cover. On the ground, you can also fully rotate to shoot in any direction so you aren’t as much of a sitting duck as before.

Pick your Perks and Wildcards

This time, Perks are divided into three categories: Enforcer, Recon, and Strategist. While you could build your loadout with any combination of perks from these categories, you do get a special Combat Speciality if you choose all three Perks from one category. Here’s what bonus you get for each one:

Enforcer: Killing enemies grants a temporary buff to movement speed and health regen rate.
Recon: Enemies can be seen through walls for a short time after respawn; a HUD edge indicator flashes when an enemy is outside your view; leave no death skulls when killing enemies.
Strategist: Earn a score bonus for objectives and destroying enemy content; see enemy content through walls a short distance; deploy equipment and field upgrades faster.

Prestige is back

As a quick refresher, the way Prestige works is that once you hit level 55, you are given the option to reset your level and unlocks back to 1 in exchange for a unique reward and increase to your Prestige Rank. The only exceptions to what is reset are your weapon progression, weapon builds (once you unlock the weapons again) cosmetics, and blueprints. Every time you Prestige also grants you one permanent unlock you can apply to a single weapon, tactical, or other piece of gear you normally have to level up to get. This should be used on something like the best Perk or weapon that you don’t unlock until a high level.

There are 10 initial Prestige Ranks to grind through, but then you can start grinding 1,000 Prestige Master ranks.

Maximize your XP

Even if you don’t care much for Prestige, leveling up is the only way to access the full suite of weapons and equipment to make your ideal loadouts. Nothing you do is a waste of time, but there are a few ways to get far more XP in the same amount of time.

First, always note your daily and weekly challenges. In addition to these challenges, also aim to complete your Calling Card and Mastery challenges. These are mainly for unlocking Calling Cards and such but also give valuable XP. If you’re trying to grind weapon XP specifically, Zombies mode is far more efficient than regular multiplayer in Black Ops 6.

New maps and tricks

Black Ops 6 introduces 16 new maps to learn, which is the most we’ve had in a long time at launch. Knowing the best paths, sightlines, and chokepoints early will help you get the jump on players running around wildly. You should also investigate maps for secret paths and routes that aren’t immediately obvious. Most have some secret tunnels or paths that can give you a safe way to flank the enemy.
